Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Harvester

 'theHarvester' is a tool designed to be used in Information Gathering Phase of a penetration testing.

theHarvester is a tool used to harvest/gather sensitive information that can help in determining a company's external threat landscape on the internet. Not just company but even individual information of particular users available on the internet. 'theHarvester' largely depends on public sources and the following info can be gathered,
  • Emails
  • Names
  • Subdomains
  • IPs
  • URLs
  • VirtualHosts
  • Even Port Scanning

 TheHarvester Public engine

One of the interesting things about ‘theHarvester’ is that it supports more than one public source to harvest information. These sources appear to be more than 20+ public sources supported by the information gathering tool.
And this public sources that require API include:
  • SecurityTrails
  • Hunter
  • GitHub
  • Shodan
  • bingapi
  • Spyse
  • Intelx
But if you don't have API you can still use some other public sources

Harvester on ubuntu/other linux based system where its not preinstalled

You just have to have some major dependencies on the system particular python3.6+. Some of its major dependencies include:
⦁ Python 3.7+
⦁ Python3 -m pip install pipenv
⦁ Pipenv install

virtualenv -p python3 theharvester
git clone 
Source theharvester/bin/activate

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